Enecta - cbday classic cbd oil - 10ml - 1000mg cbd (10%)
Full Spectrum CBD Oil 10% - 10 ml
CBDday Plus 10%: your natural remedy for anxiety
CBDay Plus is a full-spectrum CBD oil that has been developed to keep anxiety at bay, relax, and naturally stop panic attacks.
This CBD oil tackles anxiety at its roots with a CBD content of 10% and a selection of anxiety-reducing cannabinoids and terpenes.
We extract CBDay Plus 10% from Enectaliana®, one of our proprietary genetics. Enectaliana® is the first hemp strain in Europe developed specifically for the extraction of CBD.
Developing this strain, we focused on the cannabinoids and terpenes with the most pronounced anxiolytic proprieties, to obtain a product that could truly improve the lives of those who suffer from anxiety.
Why choose CBDay Plus 10%?
This 1000 mg CBD oil is a potent botanical anxiolytic. It contains the optimal concentration of active ingredients to alleviate severe anxiety disorders in a natural way. On top of that, it doesn’t have any of the side effects typical of anxiolytics.
The anxiolytic properties of CBD are boosted by the presence of terpenes and other cannabinoids. This synergistic interplay is known as the entourage effect.
All our organic hemp products, CBDay Plus 10% included, are regularly tested by independent third-party labs. Thus, we can guarantee reliability, safety, and transparency.
It is extracted from Enectaliana®, one of our proprietary genetics that made it into the EU Common Catalouge. This cannabis plant is the result of years of research and has been developed expressly to keep anxiety at bay.
Our supply chain is short, sustainable, and starts with our fields. This allows us to offer our customers high-quality products at an ethical and accessible price – the best on the European market.