Nail Polish has 3 toxic chemicals namely dibutyl phthalate), toluene, and formaldehyde, Scientists have found that DBP may cause hormone-production problems in a fetus; toluene may cause reproductive issues, headaches, itchy eyes; breathing in toluene can irritate your eyes, throat, and lungs. Formaldehyde can cause breathing problems and even cancer. There's also a risk that exposure to toluene at high levels can damage the nervous system and cause birth defects in an unborn baby. Who knew a pretty manicure could be so scary!
But worry no more here is a product that will stand out in beauty and health. Introducing Cenocco Beauty Manicure for a Natural and shiny Nails free from those toxins of nail polish. The Cenocco beauty Electric manicure files, buffs and polishes your nails leaving a glistening finish without harm – A Chemical-Free Alternative to nail polish. You can get the perfect manicure & pedicure without having to visit a salon with Care me nail care system in the comfort of the home. Say Goodbye to the harmful Chemicals! Revitalizing your naturally shiny naked nails. If you prefer the natural looking glow nails instead of having chemical nail polish, this is the product for you.The Cenocco beauty Electric manicure for natural and shiny nails is the perfect and effortless way to keep your finger nails and toe nails shiny and natural looking.
Three Steps to Get Shiny Nails: